英美語文系全新課程架構New curriculum for the Department of English Language and Literature

活動報導, 課程規劃




2.1「西方文學史微學程」(History of Western Literature)(選修,共開設28學分,選修10學分以上為完成)

2.2「西方文化專題微學程」(Western Cultures)(選修,共開設25學分,選修10學分以上為完成)

2.3「語言學及語言教學微學程」(Linguistics & Foreign Language Teaching) (選修,共開設14學分,選修10學分以上為完成)

2.4「應用英語微學程」(English for Practical Purposes) (選修,共開設40學分,選修16學分以上為完成)

3.英文深耕微學程(Sure-footed English Learning) (選修,共開設20分,未達全民英檢中高級複試或同等級標準之學生必選)

4.    其他相關科目(選修,本系所開設,但不屬於以上各微學程之科目)


At the beginning of the 2016 academic year, the curriculum structure of the Department of English Language and Literature has been comprehensively updated. In addition to the general university-wide curriculum, the department offers four main course category options. Students can graduate after achieving the total number of credits required by the university, and fulfilling the departmental requirements of the categories as specified below.


  1. Department core curriculum (required courses, 38 credits in total)
  2. Department professional curriculum (complete at least two programs from 2-1 to 2-4. Earn at least 32 credits).

    2.1History of Western Literature (Elective courses, 28 credits in total. Earn a minimum of 10 credits).

    2.2Western Cultures (Elective courses, 28 credits in total. Earn a minimum of 10 credits).2.3Linguistics & Foreign Language Teaching (Elective courses, 14 credits in total. Earn a minimum of 10 credits).

    2.3English for Practical Purposes (Elective courses, 40 credits in total. Earn a minimum of 16 credits).

  3. Sure-footed English Learning (Elective courses, 20 credits in total). This category is compulsory for students who have not yet passed a test at the level of CEFR B2 (for example GEPT High-Intermediate).
  4. Others (Elective courses). This include other courses offered by the department which are not listed in the  above categories