TCU Ranks 19th in the Taiwan University Rankings, and we are the 6th Best Private University in Taiwan

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TCU Ranks 19th in the Taiwan University Rankings, and we are the 6th Best Private University in Taiwan慈濟大學電子報 


台灣最佳大學排行榜 慈濟大學獲全國第十九 私校第六

Text: Chia-Yi Lee
Translation: Steve J. Lin

On September 29, Global Views Monthly published Taiwan University Rankings for the first time. TCU is the 19th best university in Taiwan and 6th best private university. TCU is the only university located on the east coast to reach top 20. TCU placed 13th in teaching and 18th in research. TCU surpasses many universities which have a longer history, and we have proved that location is no longer a limitation.

遠見雜誌9月29日公布全台首份 「台灣最佳大學排行榜」,慈濟大學獲第19名,為全國私校排名第六,宜花東地區唯一進入前20名的大學,表現較優異面項包括教學面項獲第13名、學術成就獲第18名。排名超越許多歷史悠久的國立學校和私立學校,證明辦學實力突破地域限制,後山也能變前山。

TCU was founded in 1994. We are only 22 years old, and have around 3,000 students; we are a small, yet beautiful university. This time, the general public has recognized our faculty and students’ efforts, and thus given us a spot in the top 20.


Global Views Monthly worked with Mu-Hsuan Huang, Chair Professor of Department of Library and Information Services, National Taiwan University for eight months to complete this ranking. The project utilizes Taiwanese data and employs 22 performance indicators which are grouped into five areas including teaching, research, international outlook, industrial collaboration and reputation.


President Pen-Jung Wang recollected his memory that before TCU’s Medical College opened to public in 1994, many high school students and their parents traveled from west coast to Hualien. Hualien was a remote place and located far away for them. Yet for the past 22 years, TCU invited scholars around the world to be our faculty and provided good learning environment for students, in order to foster good professionals. The student/faculty ratio of 12:1, university disbursement on each student and total university spending are the major factors for TCU’ to stand 13th place in teaching. The average number of papers published by faculty in 2015 helps TCU to achieve 18th place in research.

慈大王本榮校長表示,民國83年慈濟醫學院首次招生,當時很多家長帶新生來學校探路,都覺得實在是又遠又偏僻,但慈大22年來秉持著在東部培育人才的理念,積極延攬海、內外優秀學者,堅持為學生提供最好的學習環境,因此教學在全國排名第十三名 (生師比低12:1,103學生平均預算高及103學校總經費高),在學術排名第十八名(2015每教師平均發表論文數),兩構面表現亮眼突出。

This ranking lifted TCU’s morale. Dean of Academic Affairs Ingrid Liu mentioned that TCU would rank higher if evaluators looked into our teaching content. Dean Liu said that student satisfaction with the teaching quality is around 4.3 (with a highest of 5), and it mirrors faculty’s dedication and reflects students’ devotion. TCU students attain high passing rates of taking national licensing exams. This year two students were the top candidates in the national licensing exams of Physical Therapist and Clinical Laboratory Scientist; moreover, this summer, all our students passed the Chinese Medicine Practitioner licensing exam, and 55% passed Social Worker licensing exam which is three times higher than the national average. Ru-Hua Chen, an alumni of class 2007, was the top candidate for passing government’s social worker exam.

全台首份「台灣最佳大學排行榜」出爐,同時鼓舞了慈大師生士氣,慈大教務長劉怡均表示,如果在教學部分能夠反映教學內涵,相信慈大的排名會更往前。劉怡均教務長指出,歷年來慈大全校教學滿意度平均在4.3左右 (滿分5分),代表老師教學的用心,而這份成果可以從各項證照考試及格率皆高於全國及格率表現出來,例如105年第二次專門職業及技術人員高等考試物理治療師及醫事檢驗師雙榜首;中醫師第一階段及格率100%;社工師通過率55% (為全國及格率的三倍以上),公職社工師榜首陳如華,為慈大社工系96級校友。

TCU receives grant for Teaching Excellence Project from Ministry of Education for nine consecutive years. This June, all TCU’s departments and centers passed University Evaluations mandated by Ministry of Education. We are grateful for the dedication and support from the faculty and students, and we are appreciated the sustenance from Tzu Chi members around the world. We will keep moving forward for becoming an outstanding university.
