專為花蓮地區高中(職)同學開設大學預修專課「英國語言文化初體驗」Experience of British Language & Culture

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(Experience of British Language & Culture)


本科目由英美語文系漢明遠(Michael Hemsley)教授親自授課,完全以英文進行,讓你:







共計18次,每次2小時 (週末上課,詳細日期時間另行公布)


上課人數:預計60 人 (報名人數超過時,本校將以英文測驗篩選)

費    用: 學生須於報名時,繳報名費3000元,如果完成上課之要求(缺席不超過2次),



洽詢電話:(03)8572677轉3111 黃小姐



Dept. of English Language & Literature

New Pre-Collegiate Course

Experience of British Language & Culture

This is a new course designed particularly for high school students in Hualien.  Taught exclusively in English by Prof. Michael Hemsley, the course gives you the chance to:

  • understand the relationship between language and culture
  • understand some British cultural characteristics
  • compare the similarities and differences between British and Chinese culture
  • experience learning on Tzu Chi University campus

Students:  Senior (and Vocational) High School Students in Hualien

Period:    Feb. 25, 2017 to June 24, 2017

A total of 18 sessions on weekends, 2 hours each

Class schedule to be announced

Venue:    Dept. of English Language & Literature, Tzu Chi University

Class size: 60  (English proficiency screening test may be conducted

if applicants exceed the class capacity)

Fees:     NT$3,000 registration fee.

This will be refunded if the student fulfills all the class requirements

with an attendance record of no more than two absences.

This is an official credit course offered by Tzu Chi University. Students who successfully fulfil the class requirements will be granted TWO (2) academic credits, which may be counted in future English studies in college.

Contact:   (03)8572677 ext. 3111 Ms. Susan Huang

For latest information, please check http://www.ell.tcu.edu.tw/